Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Year 10 formal?

Lately i have been thinking about my year 10 formal, even thought its in september my friends already have there dresses and know what there going to do with there hair where I have no idea. I am going to Sydney in the July holidays to look for a formal dress, I have an idea of what I want to get but have no idea where to go..does anyone know of any places? I'm so excited but nervous..I want to look really nice.

Does anyone know of any formal websites or something so I can get some ideas from there?


Year 10 formal?

you can always have one made for you. something that you'll love and in the colour you want. maybe try looking in bridal magazines, they have great selection.

Does anyone know of a site/ or any ideas for hairstyles for long hair?

I have hair that goes down to my hips, and I wanted some ideas for formal hairstyles. (Most of the time I try to pin my hair up, it starts to fall down.)

Does anyone know of a site/ or any ideas for hairstyles for long hair?

my son does hair for a living, you can go to his page and then contact him, also on craigslist, its called weaveadoo.,

Does anyone know of a site/ or any ideas for hairstyles for long hair?

Try these styles.

Does anyone know of a site/ or any ideas for hairstyles for long hair?

Should We Shave his Legs?

My friends and I were setting up a project in the hallway this morning when an acquaintance of ours decided to try and scare me by tackling me from behind. He gave me carpet burns on my knees and made me damage the project. I grabbed ahold of him and held him down and my friends and I wrapped him up with belts very securely. There is a party tonight and all of us and him we're going to go and we're thinking that we should just teach him a lesson by dressing him up and bringing him with us. There are 4 of us and we could get more help so doing it shouldn't be hard. Should we just let him go or should we teach him a lesson? If we teach him a lesson what should we do? One of my friends actually wants to shave his legs, put him in a formal and do his hair and makeup.

Should We Shave his Legs?

Well first off don't get arrested for holding someone against their will.

But you can put a pointy bra on him, a blond wig and tape a sign that says "Just like a virgin to his chest. Then wheel him in there and sit him on the couch for a while. Then untie him. By that time everone has seen him.

Still if he freaks you might want to let him go.

Should We Shave his Legs?

i doubt that is necessary it'll make it look very funny and ridiculous.

Should We Shave his Legs?

Lol, I have no say in this, but if you're going to shave his legs, shave one leg and leave the other.

Should We Shave his Legs?

you will end up in jail. you cant hold him hostage or kidnap him. let him loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should We Shave his Legs?

As funny as it seems, the situation could get serious because you are holding him against his will. That's kidnapping. And if he has any kind of medical problems that come up while being held, you can probably kiss your college career goodbye. Just let him go.

Should We Shave his Legs?

Dont do it. if u do it he might try and get revenge and it might turn into a war

Should We Shave his Legs?

wonder if your same person that held the guy down and put makeup on a guy.

shaving legs on a man can be very damaging to his self be very careful what you do to another's person can have a lasting effect.

Should We Shave his Legs?

your so dang cruel!

Let him go! If I was in his position, the second you let me go, i would be all over you like white on rice!

I hope he does call the police on you!

%26amp; stop asking what u should do to him! JC

Should We Shave his Legs?

I'd wish I could say go ahead but don't do anything do him.

Just make him see the errors of his ways and let the poor begger go.

Shaving his legs is a no no.You could wind up in jail.

Should We Shave his Legs?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

Would you vote this man into the White House?

Here are characteristics that describe his humble nature:

-no foreign policy experience

-no formal training


-long hair, doesn't shave

-wears no formal clothing


-caring, compassionate

-works as carpenter for monetary living

Yes, no?

Heres who you were judging...

Matthew 7:1

(the preceeding is my favorite verse, as well as the favorite of Abe Lincoln, in case you were wondering)

Reactions? Opinions?

Would you vote this man into the White House?

the world would be a whole different place thats for sure and yes i would vote for him!!!

Would you vote this man into the White House?

NO! I wouldn't.

Would you vote this man into the White House?

No I wouldn't vote for jesus. But I might vote for someone with those atributes. I just wouldn't vote for jesus becuase he is dead as has been for a while now. I also might have to really think about the no foreign policy part.

Would you vote this man into the White House?

When Jesus returns, there won't be elections!

Would you vote this man into the White House?

Jesus wasn't born in the US so he couldn't run. Not to mention that fs he existed, he would be over 2000 years old and probably not in the best of shape.

Would you vote this man into the White House?

not in this day and age.

Would you vote this man into the White House?

I would never vote for this man.

This man never had to deal with any type of competition (opposition is different) and he never had to compromise on his beliefs to get things done in the face of opposition from those who did not believe the same thing.

He had the luxury of being an idealist in a world where idealism might be fine for an individual, but not always for the group for which you are responsible.

He didn't have to worry about getting practical things done in an environment which he could not control, but had to deal with.

He dealt in theory, but very little in practice. It was better to be a martyr for your beliefs (which doesn't help the people who depend on you very much) than to "do the best you can under the circumstances".

If you need any more convincing, choose any prominent religious leader with whom you are comfortable, imagine them in the presidential chair, and ask yourself if he (or she) could achieve the consensus necessary to keep the country moving forward.

Why do you think the founding fathers based the US system on a separation of church and state?

A very romantic question, but it does not stand up too well under scrutiny in the real world.

Would you vote this man into the White House?

He's also been dead for 1974 years.

What should i do,some one help?

saturda is my bfs christmas and like its eally formal and i need hair and makeup ideas, i'm a red-head my hair goes down just below my sholders and i kinda want it in curls but i'm not basure and i'm wering a blood red gown and i want to bedazzel him , i have shoes and jewlery picked out i just need hair and makeup so someone give me ideas

What should i do,some one help?

try or

What should i do,some one help?

Your skin shoud look glowing, shimmering, gold, but keep it natural! Your boyfriend should love you anyway! But, if you're pale skinned, def try the glowing shimmery gold natural looking light makeup. Hair, try curls, because you'd look good with that red gown!

What should i do,some one help?

use a 1.5in curling iron it will give you nice loose curls

Long Hairstyles?

What are some half-up/half-down styles for long, wavy hair?

For semi-formal events, casual parties, etc . . .

Long Hairstyles?

omg i have the exact same hair type. i do my hair half up, hair down when i straighten it only because it have frizzzy hair[[ugh]] sometimes i try to 'mix it up' be braiding the half up part, or leaving the down part straight and curling the half up part [[the second 1 is better for sem-formal parties]]]

you can use either a clip or a scrunchy, i suggust a clip like this:

good luck, hope you are the belle of the ball =)

Long Hairstyles?

make all your hair wavy then half up half down or comb all ur bangs back at the top of ur head and clip it.

Long Hairstyles?

here's one I thought was cute:

hope that helps! :)

Long Hairstyles?

I think this style would look very cute with wavy hair.

good luck! and hope it helps

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

My winter formal is this saturday and i have everything figure out my shoes my dress my date my hair its just my make up!

my dress is red heres a picture

and my hairs going to be up

and going to get my makeup is not an option because of everything else lol

i want this night to be special it will be my boyfriend and i's first dance together we have been togeterh almost a year and i want him to remember me in all my glory!

so makeup suggestions n e one?

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

With a red dress i would suggest a silver and black smoky eye. I wore this for my holiday party at work with a red dress and got soooo many compliments. Good luck

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

Im not feelin the hair its gonna look a lil wierd with the dress if its short. But anyway:


Smokey, everyone is doing a smokey eye with almost everything its the new black dress


Get like a almost pink but red lip stick, coat it with a pink lipgloss

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

try to get make up that fits your skin moisture and your color. go to a professional for advice. have fun!

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

Schedule a complimentary consultation at a local makeup counter and have them do your makeup for you for free. Buy the lipstick just so you have it (and so the cosmetologist gets some sort of commission out of it).

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

first of all, love the hair!!

You need make-up that will be simple yet glamorous. I would go with a golden /bronzish glow. Accentuate the eyes, but don't overdo it. Use a mix of gold and bronze eye shadow and wear mascara and a little eye liner. Add bronzer to the outside of your face along temples and tip of cheek bones (make very light) and apply healthy blush to cheeks. Go for a bronze-burgundy lipstick with maybe some dark gloss on top. You will look beautiful!!

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

Since everything is pretty simple I wouldn't do much with the make-up,

Maybe just a nice foundation and a lot of mascara.

No need to do anything spectacular. and no worries everything will be great.

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

i luv how you're doing your hair its so hot! i think you should go with light amkeup becasue you have such a bright dress. Or just really accentuate your eyes- do a smoky eye look ,and then keep the rest of your face really light- like do really light/pale pink lips

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

Maybe like a blueish silverish whiteish color for eyeshadow. and black mascara and black eyeliner Hope all goes well

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

Winter Do #1: Goodbye Helmet Head The less done your hair looks, the more 'in' you'll look. You'll notice trendy hair this season looks loose, wavy %26amp; fresh. To mimic it, throw out the hairspray, use a light mousse instead of gel to add texture %26amp; don't be afraid to let your roots grow out, just a bit.

Winter Don't #1: Grow nails long %26amp; finish them with a French manicure Short, round nails are hot for this season. Skip the long-taloned manicure %26amp; instead, paint your nails dark.

Winter Do #2: Don't throw out the self-tanner yes, we love Nicole Kidman's porcelein skin too, but there's nothing sexier than a bronzed glow in the dead of winter. You'll always look as if you just got back from the tropics.

Winter Don't #2: Layer on the foundation A fresh face -- admittedly hard to get in winter if you live in the cold climes -- is key this winter. But to look fresh, you must take it easy with the foundation. No one needs to slather on foundation all over her face. Stick to your bad zones, typically around your eyes, your nose %26amp; on your cheeks. You don't need foundation on your forehead or even neck. Another tip: Skip foundation altogether %26amp; use concealer around your eyes %26amp; nose.

Winter Do #3: Go smoky on the eyes, pale on the lips To get perfect smoky eyes, use brown shades if you're blonde, dark brown if you are brunette %26amp; deep purple or black if you have black hair (the best black is 'la femme hollywood'). Start with eyeliner, moving on to a dark eyeshadow, lightening as you go up the lid. A bit of shimmer on the inside corner of the eye %26amp; on the browbone gives you a super 'awake' look. Try Benefit High Brow ($18 at Oh %26amp; don't be afraid to pile on the mascara. Applying multiple coats really does thicken.

Winter Don't #3: Avoid red lips Red lips %26amp; pale skin are a classic look that endures. Dior's rich, red shades are favorites of stylists. Just be sure to lay off the self-tanner if you're going for red lips.

Winter Do #4: Layer your favorite fragrances Sarah Jessica Parker created her own unique scent by layering 3 fragrances -- one super cheap, a man's musk %26amp; a fabulous rich scent. The result isn't her new 'Lovely' but she swears she's still trying to mimic her favorite scent. Parker's right on to a hot trend of the moment: layering two fragrances to create a new scent. How to do it? Take your favorite scent %26amp; layer a new one atop it. Try out several versions until you find your favorite mix.

Winter Don't #4: Ignore your feet Yes your feet are all covered up during the winter, but it's such a treat to keep them groomed. Either treat yourself to pedicures or do them yourself. Also, keep a buffing stick in the shower %26amp; slough off that nasty dead skin. A great one is Feet First Buffing Pad ($4 at used in combination with a sugar rub. Try Pure Fiji Sugar Rub ($32 at

Winter Do #5: Moisturize after every shower Skin left unmoisturized will itch, and itching (especially done when you're not paying complete attention) can cause scabs, which in turn can scar. In the shower, make sure you exfoliate your body thoroughly with a loofah. I like wearing those loofah gloves. Then when you get out %26amp; dry off, slather on the moisturizer. My favorite? Kiel's.

Winter Don't #5: Pooh-pooh fake eyelashes Trust us, Jessica Simpson has gorgeous eyes because she slaps on the falsies. There are all sorts of false eyelashes to try these days. Don't want to be too obvious? Try the individual lashes.

Extra tip: Don't let the winter scalies take over your lips this winter. Nothing is nastier than dead skin on your lips. So why do we get chapped lips in the cold season? Your lips are susceptible to drying because they contain no oil glands. Plus, when the cold comes, frequent lip-licking doesn't help. This winter steer clear of matte lipsticks which tend to be drying while also showing off scaly lips. Instead, try lip gloss. A great gloss (like MAC's lipglass) will prove more moisturizing. Don't want to mess with a gloss? A great hydrating lip balm is Blistex Lip Infusion. it contains lanolin which keeps the moisture in.

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

um considering the color of your dress i would suggest a black eyeliner make it a thick line and a longer tail at the end of your eye and just thin black line on bottom get to different toned silvers one lighter and the other darker and put the lighter color on your eyelid and up right by the eyebrow and the darker color put in the arch part of your eyelid.. like right above the part you put with lighter and below the part you put with lighter...i dont know if i explained that right but if you do it right it should look hot....

Winter Formal Makeup? Help?

i like the comment on golden/brownish tones on the eyes. you can wear red lipstick just remember you have to go light on the eyes. when it comes to dramatic make up, its always either one or the other; dark eyes or dark lips, but not both, it looks trashy.

You know, you can get your make up done for FREE at a make up counter. If you do, MAC is your best bet. If there isn't one close to you, try Chanel, Estee Lauder, or Shiseido.

I'm so excited for you!! I'm sure your boyfriend will love the way you look. Don't forget to apply lip gloss before you take pictures, and get them done right away before everything gets frazzled.

Dance Hairstyle?

I have long, black hair that reaches up to my waist. How should I wear my hair to a formal dance? Should I braid it? Help me.

Dance Hairstyle?

Low, side messy bun. Its really cute.

Dance Hairstyle?

curl it

Dance Hairstyle?

For a really simple, cute effect, probably curl it, with a low, bun or ponytail, with some curls framing round your face at the front.

:) Have a good time!

Dance Hairstyle?

ok...i would straighten it and then do 1 of those middle ponytails like this...

and then curls it a little like in the pic...also back brush the ponytail :)

Dance Hairstyle?

Curl it into long ringlets then tie it up in a medium height pony tain and maybe add a thin sparkle head band. You could also braid it loose and let it hang down. Also....put you hair in a low pony tail, then braid it. Wrap the braid around the pony tail holder like a bun then clip it with bobby pins.

Dance Hairstyle?

like the girl in LABRYNTH!!!!!!!!soooo pretty!!!! it is a cool movie too david bowie is the goblin king!

Dance Hairstyle?

I found these when I searched:


I want my hair to grow faster!?

my hair has only grown about 6 cm all year!

i have my formal next year and would like it to be long!

at the moment it sits at about the back of my bra strap and it isnt curly or anything so it should appear to grow faster!

my nails grow super fast and strong so why doesnt my hair??

I want my hair to grow faster!?

There are some things you can do to make your hair grow faster,Everybody has a maximum rate of hair growth,if your body is not in good health,your hair will only grow at the minimum rate,here are the necessary steps:

1.Don't wash your hair everyday,washing your hair everyday puts unnecessary stress on the hair,the more you wash,the more your hair dries out and breaks,wash your hair twice a week with an emu oil moisturizing shampoo %26amp; conditioner.It is very important that you find an emu oil shampoo %26amp; conditioner because emu oil gets rid of scalp inflamation, scalp inflamation denies the hair follicles the necessary blood flow it needs in order to grow fast.

2.Keep an oil moisturizer in your hair,it's very important to keep some kind of oil in your hair because wind and dust in the air will make your hair dry and brittle and easier to break,my favorite oil moisturizer is Cantu Shea Butter oil moisturizer,it is kinda greasy,but you can put more or less depending on how you style your hair on that day,find an oil moisturizer that works for you.

3.Take care of your hair from the inside,take a multi-vitamin with minerals and amino acids/proteins daily,there are plenty of great vitamins out there,you just have to find what works for you,have a look at these:

4.Don't brush your brush hair,brushing rips and tears at the hair folicle,use a comb with wide teeth instead,and wear your hair up whenever possible,your clothing,especially cotton clothing can cause splits ends.Every time you wear your hair down, you are exposing it to environmental damage. It is exposed to the air, which will dry it out. Wind will cause tangles, which in turn causes more handling and more damage. Your hair will rub against your clothes which dries it out even further.

5.Massage your scalp,this will increase blood flow to the hair folicles,I love to hang off of the sofa or my bed and massage my oil moisturizer into my scalp.Sleep on a satin pillowcase to prevent damage from tossing and turning,If you have fine, thin hair, stay away from volumizing and thickening shampoos,they dry out your hair,stay away from hair accessories with metal in them,that will definitely rip and tear your hair,keep heat styling to at a minimum,no more than twice a week,if you must do this more than twice a week,find a good deep conditioning treatment,like this one:

And drink lots of water!

Hope this helps you!

I want my hair to grow faster!?

Omega 3 works (this is what i take) %26amp; helps your skin. I also know that if you use biotin, it will make your hair grow faster.

I want my hair to grow faster!?

nails tend to grow faster then hair.. i suggest using almond oil for your hair.. Just rub it into your scalp every 3 days to make your hair grow.. I've heard it works quite well.. you could always use clip on extentions for the formal.. but thats just a suggestion :)

I want my hair to grow faster!?

make sure you trim dead ends, even if you've never had a perm,layers, or anything, you still get dead ends.

trim about 1cm or maybe an inch...if it doesnt work...wear extentions at the formal

I want my hair to grow faster!?

I know this is going to sound stupid but cut your hair. About every 6 weeks cut off about 1/4 to 1/2 inch, if you can do it on the full moon that would be better. This will help you hair grow longer. When you don't cut it, it slows down the growing process. I grew mine about 6 inches in 1 year by doing this.

I want my hair to grow faster!?

Try eating a lot of fruits and vegetable, omega 3, and keep getting it trimmed every 6 weeks. Vitamins help with the function of healthy growth :)

I want my hair to grow faster!?

Hair vitamins at Wal-Mart. They are called Hair. And you can also order hair vitamins from Avon.

I want my hair to grow faster!?

nails usually grow faster than hair try trimmin them da more u trim da more they'll grow

also try eating a lots of vegis n fruits they hav a lot of protein specially eat da green ones vitamins r not neccesary 4 hair protein is afterall they'r made up of protein

put a lot of oil dont noe wat u ppl do over there but i ,recommend u to put oil every day like if today u shampoo ur hair then put oil in da nite

mind it i'm not tellin u to put a lot of oil at once put somr today then some tomorrow n shampoo at regular intervals like at da most in every 3 days

if u put a lot of oil then ur scalp will b'come oily

i dont recommend usin any product cuz all this is enough

hope it helps

best of luck

I want my hair to grow faster!?

The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

What is a good dress for a freshman to wear to her winter formal?

I have blonde hair and am 5'6, size small/0-2

What is a good dress for a freshman to wear to her winter formal?

I'd suggest something comfy and fitting, because you'll be moving around a lot if you're dancing. So, if you can't tolerate itching, I'd suggest you stay away from lace and other itchy underskirts.

For blonde hair, I'd suggest a more darker color, like brown. But since it's a 'winter' formal, you may want a softer color like baby blue or pink. In my opinion, you should not wear white.

Winter formal is not as exclusive as, say prom, or homecoming, so the dress shouldn't be so extravagent (unless you really want to go all out!) Maybe something from Macy's or JCPenney's will be good.

Good luck in finding your dress, and have a great time at the dance!

What is a good dress for a freshman to wear to her winter formal?

Or something like it. Remember a short dress is more flattering on young people like yourself. Stay from anything ankle or floor length.

A to-the-knee pencil dress would be cute too.

What is a good dress for a freshman to wear to her winter formal?

here are a few

How do i get my hair look like this?

i want the bump in the back. what whould i have to do to get it to look like that i wanted to do for my high school winter formal

How do i get my hair look like this?

I would use really big rollers. Split you hair (not at the part but the other way) like 3 inches back and put the rollers in the back half. That will give it the body in the back. Then curl it at the ends for the curly effect.

How do i get my hair look like this?

straighten and then curl the ends

How do i get my hair look like this?










How do i get my hair look like this?

Wash and use a mousse. Dry with the hair dryer to remove most of the moisture. Then take sections, starting at the nape of your neck, and dry with a round brush. When you get to the top of your head, keep drying it towards the back. After it 's all blown dry, take big sections and curl them with a medium sized curling iron. Spray each curl with spray as you go. For the bump, backcombing(teasing) will do the job. Just use a small tooth comb and do little sections of hair at a time.Then spray each piece. When you have finished teasing it, just smooth the hair down, don't comb it out. Good luck.

I have a semi formal, i have no clue what to wear my style is scene and im a guy.?

I'm not scene my style is just like it

i wear tight jeans band tee's cheeta shirts

well cheeta is my fav :] my hair is jet black

and straightend. Any help on what is semi-

formal and i wont wear anything preppy..

I have a semi formal, i have no clue what to wear my style is scene and im a guy.?

girls opinion... black Jeans (tight), band T, tux jacket, converse or vans, corsage,(Cheeta bow tie).....

talk about hot!

just fix hair as normal and have fun!

hahaha me and the chick above me had basically the same idea!

I have a semi formal, i have no clue what to wear my style is scene and im a guy.?

wear all black dress pants and shirt. then go with a crazy tie.

I have a semi formal, i have no clue what to wear my style is scene and im a guy.?

you should wear a short sleeve collared shirt with a black tie, a pair of black skinny jeans, and white vans

I have a semi formal, i have no clue what to wear my style is scene and im a guy.?

Tight dark jeans.

Suit-type jacket over a tight red band tee.

Maybe a black tie, very loose and hanging.

Black converse (make sure the jeans are over the tops, if they're high-tops)

I know it sounds odd, but it looks very sharp put together.

It's very "semi-formal".

Hope I helped and have fun!


I have a semi formal, i have no clue what to wear my style is scene and im a guy.?

Make it your own style, your tee with a coordinating blazer and a straight leg dress pant

How should I fix my hair for the dance?

It's not a formal dance. It's just a regular dance. We'll be like freak dancing %26amp;%26amp; hip-hop dancing.


How should I fix my hair for the dance?

Hopefully you want to look super-sexy with your chosen hair style.

Might I suggest something from the 1940s era (WWII). Just take a look at 1942 Veronica Lake, or 1947 Linda Darnall.

Go with a style that nobody else has thought of; that way, you'll stand-out as the center of attention.

I imagine this is what you want - to be the center of attention?

How should I fix my hair for the dance?

Well, do't spend too much time on it, it'll probably get ruined within 10 minutes if you like to dance, haha. Some nice waves or something would be cute. Bring a hair tie or something though, you'll probably get sweaty!

How should I fix my hair for the dance?

Pin half up and half down. Use a straightener, make it real straight and pin the front up a give it a little lift. U might have to tease it a little to give it the height. I call it Fergi style. It looks nice on everybody.

Short or long hair.

How should I fix my hair for the dance?

in a straight messy pony with side bangs, or else it will look like you're tyring too hard. If it's just put up easily, it will look like you don't care what you look like while you're dancing, you're just there to have fun. :)

How should I fix my hair for the dance?

How should I fix my hair for the dance?

I would REALLY Prefure this....

You could also add cute accecories! =D

Any ideas for formal hairstyles?

im having my 8th grade formal next week and i don't know what to do with my hair. does anyone have any good ideas? thanks so much !

Any ideas for formal hairstyles?

heyy, my 8th grade formal is next week too! I am obviously in 8th grade too, and for mine, nobody is wearing an updo, because they are too formal. I am wearing mine 1/2 up, 1/2 down, and curled, and twisted on the top of my head!! go on the internet and look at styles you like!!

Any ideas for formal hairstyles?

Maybe you should curl it or put it in a bun, they look really cute.!

Should i colour my hair my natural colour or put highlights in?

my natural hair colour is a chocolate brown colour, kind of dark. i had my formal a few weeks ago so i got a few flashes of blonde foils through my hair.

i dont know if i should dye my hair back to brown all over or get some more highlights through my hair..what do you think?

i'm not sure if it suits me or not?

Should i colour my hair my natural colour or put highlights in?

Hmmm... maybe we could help you better if you posted a pic of yourself so we could see your hair.

Highlights can look really cute, but make sure you get them done professionally so that they don't come out looking messy and trashy.

Ask your friends, and ask yourself, do they/you think you should get more highlights?

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

Im going to a formal dance tomorrow at my school and the theme is a cruise ship. I have no idea how to do my hair for it. I am wearing a simple dark green dress. it looks like this

and my hair is medium length sandy blonde and straight.

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

You have 2 options.

Obviously depending on your style.

From what I could tell, option 2 is more for you.

The sexy green dress would look awesome with big flips as in option 2. If it were pulled back it would be too evening wear and it would take the fun away from wearing a sexy little dress. Trust me #2 is for you - you'll look extra HOT!

Just like Ginger always did - in Gilligan's Island.

Enjoy the theme - You'll fit the part!

Option 1: Tyra Bank's Glamorous Emmy Look

Option 2: Farrah Fawcett wild flips

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

How about a french braid? You can put a pretty barette at eh end of the braid. That will look pretty.

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

Put it up in a tight bun (:

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

u culd juz tie it up into a french bun. or a beehive but it wont look that great with the dress. i say, french bun.

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

well, i think you should make a small straight parting, about 2inches long on the left side of your head. then park your hair on the crown of your head. use either a green small scarf or one the colour of your footwear to wrap round the hair thats packed so it looks kinda wrapped.

i dont know if u understand what i'm trying to explain but its a great formal look

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

I've always ben fond of the mullet.

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

Hi! =] whats your myspace url or aim s/n? =]

Whats a good formal hairstyle?

just do a tight bun n give little some hair fall,or tight a bun with messy look .....u can ask ur hair stylist to give idea,because feature %26amp; hair should match together then it only look nice

What should I wear to my schools winter formal?

It's a SEMI-formal. And I don't want to show up all fancy and everyone is wear jeans or something. So pictures of semi-formal dresses, yes I want to wear a dress. Oh, and, what should my hair be like? An updo?

Thanks to everyone!!!

What should I wear to my schools winter formal?

I suggest you wear a deep jewel tone dress, solid color. (Deep emerald, sapphire, ruby) Do your hair up, and put a matching jeweled clip in your hair.

What should I wear to my schools winter formal?

Semi formal is pretty much formal. It's just knee length dresses and guys don't wear a tux.

Wear a cute wintery dress... something in a dark color...

Any on these pages would be cute...


You could wear it down to make it less formal. But an updo is cute, too! (Updo might be smarter- it was so hot at homecoming, and I wore my hair down- it was all frizzy after and it totally came un-curled and un-pretty halfway through.)

What should I wear to my schools winter formal?

we just had one at my school, and it was a semi too.

i recommend (from what i saw) a dress- about knee length- in colors: black, navy blue, maybe dark red, and maybe beige/off white

these are some possible colors i saw worn... black doesnt have to mean anything emo, maybe something with a little black and a little white/off white? or maybe a pretty pattern (something with lace- not too heavy though)

also, dresses with empire waists are in/maybe a babydoll dress...

any of this can and should be varied based on your style and personal preference.

ps. for hair, i would wear it down with maybe a clip or a headband, but probably not up... again, this depends on your hair and what other people are doing...

What should I wear to my schools winter formal?

Try these:

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise? I'm going on a Carnival Glory cruise to the Western Caribbean and there are 2 formal nights. Should I wear something glamorous, such as my old prom dress, or would something like this


be ok? Since there are 2 formal nights, should I wear the same thing for each night or should I bring 2 different dresses/outfits? Also, should I "do" my hair on those two nights? Thanks for all answers!

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

NO. don't wear the same thing for two night.

Those dresses,Thu they are very nice, they are more like for the semi dressy night.

Wear something glamorous, elegant. If your prom dress is like that then do, but not too elegant for you not to be comfortable. Your hair! depends on the style of the dress. If you want to show the details in the back then put it up, if it is long. Don't forget the accessories, they do make the outfit complete. Look glamorous and rich, they will treat you as one.

Try to get mix and match pieces. this way you get more than one look.

check these out for an idea.

Hope you have a great trip, enjoy.

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

Naked, Since it's Cruise

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

i think you should wear a black blouse and put your hair in a pony tail. for the shoes you should wear white heels

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

I like the dress on the second link. I would bring two different dresses. But maybe look around for another dress, because I dont care for the dress on the first link. As far as hair, I dont know how long yours is, but I would wear it down and flat iron it.

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

I'm going on a cruise in September so I bought a navy blue cocktail dress for one of the formals, and another brown silk gown for another. Definitely wear two different outfits. I would do the hair, nails, etc for those nights, you want to look really glamorous (and feel good) because you never know when you'll do it again.

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

the first one is the best. although you should wear white. For some reason thats the cruise color for formal wear. your hair should'nt be done like a bride, but nice and prom dress. having two diffrent dresses would be nice but i dont think that people will care.

have a great cruise!!!

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

I think going for the prom look is a little too much, although I'm sure you will see some women dressed like that. When I went on a cruise, I wore more like a cocktail dress, with hose and heels. Like the second ebay dress you mentioned. I was very comfortable in that. The guys will probably just be wearing coats and ties, not tuxes. I would wear two different outfits and just wear my hair as normal. Have fun!

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

I like the first one. I think you should wear dresses like that.

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

Hi Torres,

I have a friend who recently went on a cruise to the Caribbean and from her pictures and what she herself wore, people had on everything from little black dresses to full on sequined gowns. I think it just depends on you and what you will feel comfortable with.

What Should I Wear on Formal Night on a Cruise?

the brown dress you have would be perfect. : )

POP synthetic 18" straight hair extensions - I WANT REVIEWS!!!?

My local salon sells the 10 piece set in the exact color I need for $64.

Should I get them??? Anyone that has tried them, your opinoin would be greatly valued.

I really want them for a super glammed up look for my formal coming up soon. Thank you!

POP synthetic 18" straight hair extensions - I WANT REVIEWS!!!?

Its your choice, whether to get them or not.

I haven't used that brand that you've stated however be careful with synthetic hair. As it can tangle into a mess.

So every now and then brush it out gently.

POP synthetic 18" straight hair extensions - I WANT REVIEWS!!!?

i say go for it.....

we women have the advantage in that dept..... if we want it longer, we can get it. if we want it shorter....done.

do you honey!!

POP synthetic 18" straight hair extensions - I WANT REVIEWS!!!?

Enough of the Korean hair. How about black women love their real hair for a change?

POP synthetic 18" straight hair extensions - I WANT REVIEWS!!!?

I just recently had 18" hair extensions that I purchased from sally beauty supply.. The extensions weren't much longer than my natural hair so they didn't really turn out the way I wanted them to. They lasted me about 3 weeks or so, then they started to gradually come out. After I got all the extensions out, I had A LOT of glue still in my hair. I still to have the glue in my hair. I would not recommend the extensions.. My hair was healthy and beautiful before I put them in and now my hair is damaged and has lots of tangles that I cannot get out unless I cut my hair.

Do you like my hair?

I'm doing it for my winter formal

Do you like my hair?

It's nice. I like it. It seems a bit complicated, but if you like it, that's what matters =)

Do you like my hair?

For a wedding. Though it looks quite complicated

Do you like my hair?

not really

its too


Do you like my hair?

Yes it's pretty.

Do you like my hair?

thats too formal for me. it looks like a homecoming hair-do, not an everday style

hope i helped 閳?br>;...

Do you like my hair?

its ok, maybe for like a wedding or something formal

Do you like my hair?

not really...

but it look nice..

Do you like my hair?

Yeah its cute!

Do you like my hair?

Gorgeous :) i like it.

Do you like my hair?


Do you like my hair?

yeah its cute is that reALLY u?

Do you like my hair?

its pretty but it is kinda much. sorry

Do you like my hair?

I think its way too confusing

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

Hey! so my friend is throwing a party and i was wondering how i should wear my hair. i have already decided that i am going to wear it down i just dont know in what style.

hair regular (wavy)

hair curled;

hair straight;

the party is formal, very formal! please help i really dont know which to pick! (feel free to rate me if you want, i dont really care!)



How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

I love all of them on you.

I would say wavy, but since its a formal party do it curly.

It will look the best.

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

all three are hot!! i can't decide.

rating 8.5/10

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

I like it curly, but you could pull off straight too.

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

curly is soo pretty

i hate u in straight hair though

Rate 6

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

I think you look really pretty with your hair straight!!

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?


How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

ur hair looks cute curled...i think it fits u the best....

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

I say wavy. The curly one looks like some of the curls got kinked. Straight didn't have enough body to it.

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

I think you should wear your hair curly because it really pretty.

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

The 3rd one, hair straight, looks the hottest for you. Go for it!!! You have such a pretty face.

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?


How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

i think curly is the most formal!

have fun at the party!!

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

Aw your hair is gorgess curly go curly it suits you so well!

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

i love ur hair curled u look more mature and older i dont know to u thats a good or bad thing lol

How to style my hair for a party (pics included)?

i love the curly hair

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to

I am going to assume that you have really straight- thick hair.

First you will need to put a product in your hair that will help it to be a little more sticky so that it will stay in whatever style you go for - such as a mousse or a gel.

let dry completely

then pull about the first inch of hair from your hair line at front of hair down in front of your face (all the way from ear to ear just the front part) then the layer UNDER that will nee to be teased ALOT to get the lift you will need -

after teasing this under layer - place the front layer that you had pulled in front back over the top of your hair and pull into a very low ponytail and pull ponytail away from the back of your head enough to twist the hair up - twist up into french twist arranging the front to lay so that it covers teased area - but does not pull down on it - then pin with bobby pins to make stay - then you can put some pretty pins to make it look like the pins that are holding are the pretty pins -

then the "ends" that are hanging out of the top of the twist can be curled with a curling iron and spray with lots of hair spray to make it stay

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to go to a salon.

You could use a curling iron or put it rollers for a wavy/curly look.

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to go to a salon.

U can go with just some curls instead of opening up the curling iron and curling it take sections of hair as big or as small as u want and just wrap it around the barrel for a few seconds and u will have loose curls that look nice......hope this helps

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to go to a salon.

heyy wats up.... anyways i tried this style i was going to my cuzins reception anways you should wet you hair take some mousse and gel put some mousse on and then scrunch it up in ur hair and then take some gel and scrunch that in ur hair and then keep on scrunching it up until it gets frizzy and then take ur hair and take a clip or sumthin and then put it up and then spray some hairspray around it and then you can put in accessiories like pins or sumthing i hope you like it if you have any questions just e-mail me or sumthin

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to go to a salon.

put mayo in your hair as a conditonare and wash it out after 2 hours and then use a curlin iron or a crimpor becouse curly is coming back in

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to go to a salon.

get some egg milk And mix it together then put it to your hair and your hair will shine and beautiful but don't tie your hair to make it bouncy

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to go to a salon.

A chignon with curls hanging down always look nice

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to go to a salon.

don't try and do anything super crazy-it will probably come out looking that way. if your hair is a decent length then a super side part slicked down into a low ponytail-use one peice of hair to wrap around the ponytail to cover your band. If you want to get bold throw a few loose curls in the ends. You could always get a pretty jeweled clip to put at the base of your ponytail too :)-easy but classic-

Does any one know any good tips for doing hair @ home? I'm going to formal and i dont have $ to go to a salon.

Hairstyle Tips and tricks / Winter Haircare

Tips on How to do Perms/Bob hairstyles/Cornrows

French braid / African-ethnic hairstyles

Hairstyle photo gallery -

A Winter Formal?

OK so im in 8th grade and our winter formal is on the 19 of january,

im not sure what kind of dress i should wear

i dont know how formal to make it or whatever

im 5'3 blonde and my legs are flabby and horrible im not sure what to wear not to feel insecure

i also need help on what to do with my hair

its a little longer than shoulder legnth, blondish brown and kind of thick

please help

A Winter Formal?

Middle school dances are so much fun!! You can get away with wearing whatever you want. I think you shouldn't worry about your legs, don't wear something too long, but if you're really insecure, wear a dress that goes just past your knees. I'm chubby but I might wear a mini to the next dance. I wish I had been more secure with my appearance when I was your age--everybody's going to be worrying about what THEY look like, not you. I think you should wear blue or pink, since you're blonde, and maybe just straighten your hair and leave it down.

Here's the kinds of dresses I'm thinking [I wish I could pull these off!!]::



A Winter Formal?

is it a simi formal ? if so dress should be right below knees

HELP! Matching accessories.?

I am attending a semi- formal affair and plan to wear this red dress, it has ruby like lining around the bust.

I am going with gold for shoes and the handbag as shown below.

can anyone give me some suggestions for earrings, necklace etc.

I want to look not too busy since it already has the rubies on the dress.

I would appreciate all feedback and perhaps some store suggestions where to find stuff.

I have an olive skin tone and long dark brown hair.

p.s. on a real tight budget unfortunately , so the accessories cant be very expensive sadly =(


HELP! Matching accessories.?

if available..i would try a westseal or even a claires. they tend to have really cute accessories for cheap.

HELP! Matching accessories.?

I would definatley look in Claires,Icing and Forever 21.

Since they have a wide variety of colors and stuff you should have no problem deciding.

-Good Luck

Nice Dress.

Keep Rockin\m/

閳?br>HELP! Matching accessories.?

try target .com for a big ring and choker Red ring black sparkling choker

HELP! Matching accessories.?

Try to get gold jewelry to match the shoes (which matches very well with the red). It doesn't have to be real gold, just the color gold. A nice pendant will work with that deep "V" dress and matching dangle earrings would work very well. Try different department stores such as Nordstrom and Macy's. They have a wide variety of fabulous jewelry for moderate prices. Good luck!

HELP! Matching accessories.?

hey i put it togehter..........

%26lt;a href=" width="500" src=" title="im rich........" height="500" border="0" /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

u can get the rain drop earrings but there 18 k gold!

both hope earrings from forever21......boyth earrngis are 3.80

and braclet.........from forever21......5.80

i added different soes cuz...............ur shoes and purse wasnt showing up............well hoped i helped

HELP! Matching accessories.?

well the best thing to do is to match your shoes and your handbag.

What would be considered "semi-formal wear" for a three year old little girl?

I am considering entering my daughter in a baby/toddler show in my area (Columbus, GA) and the entry form states dress is to be semi-formal...

Does anyone have any ideas about what I should dress her in?

I was thinking of a Spring dress with maybe a matching hat and/or bag, cute shoes. She is of Australian/African American/Native American heritage with super curly hair so I was going to to her hair with the small white flowers and just leave it out and curly (with products of course)...

Any ideas on what to wear or how to "wow" the judges would be great...

Thanks... comments about "expoliting my child, she did commercials back in Australia and loves all the attention, plus its a chance for her and me to meet some new people...

What would be considered "semi-formal wear" for a three year old little girl?

Semi-Formal would mean an pretty dress ( like you would wear to church) you want it to be colorful but not have a bright pattern but a pattern that makes the judges want to see your child stick around also make sure there is a slip underneath to make it just a little poofy and some nice flowers in your daughters hair would be perfect with a beautiful dress make sure you cordinate a color in the dress with the flowers say you have a striped dress don't look at the dominate color but a subtle one that picks up everything for instant say you have a dress of pink rose pattern and there is a light yellow in the back you want to pick up the yellow in the dress with the flowers pick flowers with a pink pattern will overwhelm the judges i hope this helps any and i'm sure no matter what your daughter is wearing she will be goregous and hopefully win

Hope this helps any ???

What would be considered "semi-formal wear" for a three year old little girl?

You are an expert yourself. I don't think you need to ask.

What would be considered "semi-formal wear" for a three year old little girl?

I would vote for the dress...doesn't have to be too frilly, of course, but something in a good color for her (maybe a spring-green or something?) Sounds like fun!

What would be considered "semi-formal wear" for a three year old little girl?

As long as the child is enjoying, then I won't nag on you about hat. It's when the mothers become the Stage Moms and demand their children do this and wear that. I'd say if you have the money a great Ralph Lauren dress would look beautiful:

(from the sound of your daughter's heritage, her coloring would look amazing in a pink/red tone like this)

(while it lacks a stand out color the dress is simply gorgeous and you could add a simple colored ribbon sash and tie a bow with the ehds hanging down the back)

(again with a colorful sash)

(the kiwi color seemed so much more unusual of a shade and again her skin tone it would flatter her and really make her stand out!)

Well I hope this helps you out, good luck to you and your daughter, hope she does well!

How to become a make up artist?

i really love doing make up and hair. im already enrolled in a cosmetology school but are there any schools who teach that art of make up. i ve heard of dust till dawn and im waiting on my face forward by kevin aucoin but im still interested in formal training

How to become a make up artist?

Face a good book....Making Faces is better ...both by Kevin Aucoin (a true master).

Your on the right track. Where do you live? There are some great makeup schools in LA..but are pretty pricey. $5k for a year but you learn glamour, cinema, special effects makeup.

Get your license and then start going on CraigsList for some gigs....experience is the best training, that and networking.

Good luck

How to become a make up artist?

Flunk out of high school and go to a beauty school.

How to become a make up artist?

You want to take a course in aesthitics in a beauty school, there are plenty, look on yahoo for aesthitician school.

How to become a make up artist?

How to become a make up artist?

Beauty school helps.

How to become a make up artist?

You just need to go to learn how to make up,then you take a test and then if you pass you can be an artist for makeuping

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is one weft of hair extensions enough for a full head?

No matter how many vitamins I try, my hair continues to grow at a snails pace. I'm going to a formal ball next month, and I want to do something interesting with my hair. Sadly, it's just too short.

I just bought a weft of 18" clip-in hair extensions from Sally Beauty. Is that one weft enough for a full head? (I have very thick hair. Fine, but lots of it)

Is one weft of hair extensions enough for a full head?

I always get 2 just in case. But 1 is enough for me.

Is one weft of hair extensions enough for a full head?

One hair weft is enough for only half of your head if you're planning to do a full-head weave. But if you plan to just place a few tracks one weft is enough. I suggest you contact a professional stylist to apply your extensions as well as research the quality of the brand of hair you purchased. It could save you a lot of trouble and disappointment.

It sounds like your hair just simply needs a break. Try a protective style like braids, cornrows, a weaved ponytail..but not too tight or it can cause more breakage.

Is one weft of hair extensions enough for a full head?

Is this weft of hair all one piece or several? It usually takes a minimum of four large and four small to cover enough headspace. It also depends on how thick and how long your own hair is. Clip on hair extensions are wonderful. Especially the real hair ones. Synthetic can look a bit fakish. Good luck.

P.S. you might try some biotin vitamins to boost that hair growth.

What hairstyle for winter formal dance?

I don't know how I should do my hair for winter formal this year. My dress is a strapless maroon dress that goes to about my knees. Everyone says I should wear my hair down but any specifics?

Here is a pic of my dress.

If you have any links to hairstyles that would be great!

Also, what color accessories do you think I should wear?

Thanks a lot for anything!

What hairstyle for winter formal dance?

go here

What hairstyle for winter formal dance?

Loose curls! And you could either have silver acessories and shoes or gold ones. Try things on with your dress and see which matches better :]

What hairstyle for winter formal dance?

omfg where did you get that dress it is gorgeous...

and i am having the same problem over here.

But u should definately go with your hair down in curls and then look for a bow that color of your dress and put it in you hair.

How can i look 80s?

hair- shoulder length think wavy

eyes- gray


occasion- church banquet theme is 80s prom

i have a dress like this

(one of my moms)

its formal

my hair is hard to tease and i need hair shoes make-up purse and jewery ideas

How can i look 80s?

If you can't tease your hair then you probably won't look eighties. A wig, maybe?

Shoes: plain black heels.

Makeup: Red lipstick.

Jewelry: Pearls?

Hope I could help! =)

How can i look 80s?

omg! that dress looks more 80s chaperone. if thats wat ur going for its perfect but if not try this:



with black and white striped leggings, lots of costume beads, blue sparkley eyeshadow, pink lipstick, bangles, and jelly braclets

i just did a project on the 80s! have fun!

How can i look 80s?

wow, what a delightful dress, haha! If your hair is hard to tease, you can try putting in a high side ponytail.

Some good shoes to wear would be ballet flats, in a colour that matches your dress or complements it.

Pink lipstick was crazy-in in the 80s, a nice cheap one that's pale and pearly will be perfect, and I'm sure you could easily find one in a cheap shop or a pharmacy.

You could look in a second hand shop for an old purse, a nice small clutch would be perfect!

Good luck and I'm sure you'll look great!

How can i look 80s?

you need like a funky colored pump...

like hot pink..

and chunky gotty jewelery.

and pearl necklaces.

and like bright blue and hot pink eyeshadow.. (go to mac)

and crimp and wave all of your hair.. and rat it up.

make it crazy.. think cyndi lauper.

and hot pink lips!

and for a purse...

somthing along the lines of this..

or go to a vintage store.. or goodwill or somthing and find a purse and glue rhinestones and glitter to it... since the 80's was when the BEDAZZLER because big, and everyone used it ;]

Winter formal 閳?help!?

okayy what should i do with my hair for winter formal should i ...

i'm not very photogenic btw

curl it:;...

straighten it:;...

they were the only pictures i had that you could see my hair good=]

i really don't know what to do

which one looks better?

should i put a clip in it or a different accessorie?


Winter formal 閳?help!?

OMG you are SUPER PRETTY if I was you I would have my hair curly it looks really pretty if I was you I would have it curly and then put it half up and I would tease the part of your hair that is going up it would get more volume in you hair

(Good luck)

Winter formal 閳?help!?

definitely the straight looks cute =)

Winter formal 閳?help!?

Curlyyyy :)

Winter formal 閳?help!?

You should have your hair curly for formal. Instead of using a clip for you hair think about getting a bow :]

Winter formal 閳?help!?

Curly makes you look like softer... i don't think you need a clip or anything. BTW you're so cute! lol. =]

Winter formal 閳?help!?

both look really good.....but if i were u i wouldn't use that much eye liner.....its a little too much...but hey if u like it like that then why not....and wut do u mean ur not photogenic....u r really pretty in both pics!!! its really up to u [personally i think the curly hair is more "formal" and the straight hair is more "casual"] idk...good luck and hope u have a nice time!!! :P

Winter formal 閳?help!?

If you wear your hair curly everyday or alot then wear it straightened and if you wear it strait everyday you should wear it curly

either way you should add a clip to make it more elagant

Winter formal 閳?help!?

i like your hair in the second pic a lot!

Winter formal 閳?help!?

definately curly; the curly is very flattering to your face and is much more fancy, everyone wheres the hair straight now-a-days, go for something a little different and have fun with it. I think it would be very pretty if you put it half-up in a clip and If you decide to put it up in a clip, make sure it is a very pretty barrette, no banana clips! hope you have fun!

Winter formal 閳?help!?


鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?


i need to do an updo . it has to lok formal. not anything advanced.



鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?

maybe curls and keeping it down.

if not, see here for inspiration:

Just click on the pictures and you'll get step by step instructions.

鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?

do pipe curls then comb ;-)

鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?

wash ur hair. straiten it. Braid a couple strands of ur hair and keep the bottoms closed with hairspray.. then take ur hair as if u were to put it in a ponytail, twist it, then wrap it around, so it looks like a swirly bun. secure this with pins/hairspray. Then put ur tiara on.

goodluck!鈾?br>鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?

a very sleek and beautiful simple french twist. I think that would look best. and maybe to make it a little more 'romantic' some small pieces around the nape of the neck and right by the ears, curled and you will look wonderful!

鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?

Do a french twist. Easy and simple. Put product in your hair and blow dry. Backcomb where the twist will be so you have a base. Find where you want a part then brush all the hair straight back and twist upward. You can tuck in all the loose ends, or leave them out to do some curls. Depends on hair length. Secure with bobby pins. If you criss-cross the bobbi pins into a x shape they will hold better! Good luck

鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?

鈾モ櫔鈾︹櫕 First of all don't go around saying Hey U because guess what that is RUDE and then guess what I am not going to help you until you have some respect the yahoo family. Stop being a LOSER and then you will have a better response.鈾モ櫔鈾︹櫕

鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?

you don't say how long your hair is or if it is curly, straight etc. So, you can pull it all up in a ponytail, high up on the crown of your head, make sure it is tight, leave a few little strands around your face to curl so it doesn't look so sever, then have someone set the pony tail hair in the kind of curlers they use for a perm, you can buy them in any drug store, use some kind of setting lotion so the curls will stay nice and tight and use those little

papers so the hair wont stick to the rollers

, leave them in over night, or at least 5 hours, have someone take them out and if they need to be combed, do it gently and spray,you can pin some of the curls up around the top of the ponytail so it is nice and full on the top, it should stay all day. your tiara will fit fine. good luck :)

鈾モ櫏鈾EY U? Hair problems鈾モ櫏鈾?

Find your local cosmetology school -updos are a specialty area that students either love or hate- show 'em the tiara and they'll be fighting over who gets to do your hair! Not to mention, it costs about half as much as a salon!

What do I do! I have a semi-formal coming up. How do I get ready?

I am your typical girl. It's my first time and I don't know what to do! Can you give me some tips. I am black. I have shoulder lenght black hair. I have brown eyes. I'm not the richest person out there either.

What do I do! I have a semi-formal coming up. How do I get ready?

So,semi-formal is not like Ciderella at the ball sort of thing! I just went to my cuz sweet 16! So,anyway i suggest you wear a nice long black dress,with a little black purse! Wear whatever you are comfortable in,and if in doubt don't wear it! Oh yea I'm black too! Looks like we gotta get trough this 2gether,lol!

What do I do! I have a semi-formal coming up. How do I get ready?

Ok. Now with your skin tone, a bright orange would look relly pretty. DON'T go to frilly and sparkle all over though. See if you can find something Chic, but simple. For shoes, just expiriment. Keep your make up kinda simple, like a soft gold for the eyes, and a glossy lip. For hair, I would do some nice wavy curls, and put a little up and a little down, to give it that sweet look. I hope I'v helped!

What do I do! I have a semi-formal coming up. How do I get ready?

A semi-formal is nothing to be worried about. places like macy's, jcpenny, and deb have cheap, cute dresses. trying a whole bunch on is the only way to find the right one. i've found that its not worth is to go crazy with hair or nails. do your hair half up half down and paint your nails to match your dress.

What do you wear if your going to a semi formal dance?

im 14, very light skin..pitch black hair?

its in the evening...i will add more details if youd like

What do you wear if your going to a semi formal dance? hair? light skin... maybe an orange or red? or blue dress? For semi-casual, wear a dress, flats instead of heels, and either put your hair into a casual up-do, or leave it down.

Hope this helps! Have fun!

What do you wear if your going to a semi formal dance?

wear a dress with heels and make an updo of ur hair and make it look nice or leave it out and have someone do ur makeup for you just incase you dont knoe how to wear it! and yeah neva almost match ur makeup with ur dress i learned that on antm

What do you wear if your going to a semi formal dance?

under the stars 8th grade dance?

What do you wear if your going to a semi formal dance?

Something semi-formal?

It depends on what other people are wearing I guess. You couldn't go wrong with khakis, nice shirt, and a tie. You are a guy, right?

What do you wear if your going to a semi formal dance?

I'm Asian, so I have light skin and black hair too. I've found that RED goes wonderfully with my skin and hair color. So try to find a gorgeous red dress. Also, for semi-formals, try to find a Homecoming/cocktail-style dress. It is usually mid-length and not too fancy (but still cute, nonetheless!).

As for your hair, it depends on the type of dress you choose. Experiment to see if it looks better up or down.

Good luck! =)

What do you wear if your going to a semi formal dance?

PINK!!!!!!!! wear a pink (not a prom) dress. simple stuff maybe black gauchos.

What do you wear if your going to a semi formal dance?

At a semi-formal dance you will need to wear a cocktai-like dress. It needs to be fancy..but not like a gown. A nice dress to your knees would be perfect. Were nice jewlrey and do your hair and make up nicely. You dont need anything like a prom dress. I suggest going to Dillards to find a nice dress..and wear heels, but not too high so that you can dance:) Have fun!

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

im going out but i need something sexy and formal for long, straight, latina type hair.. pleeze help me

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

french twist, but have some pieces fall out around your face. or make your hair wavy and put it in a messy but formal bun

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

Pull a lot of it up but then have curls hanging down too. It will look nice.

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

Curl It,Or Crimp it.

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

Get yourself a few highlights of brown or red, and have it with a long curlly cues.

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

If you want to wear your hair down, I think putting in big rollers and then going over it with a curling iron so it's flowy with big waves is sexy.

If you want to wear you hair up I'd try the chignon ( or bun) you gel your hair and pull it either to the back or to of your head., secure it with a pony tail holder and then twist the hair around the pony tail holder firmly yet not too tight in order to achieve a wispy look.

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

long flowing curls are always sexy or put your hair half up in the front and down in the back. If you have a nice face people will see how beautiful you are and you will also have the sexiness of long hair flowing in the back.

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

you could leave it out, but take up like maybe a cm of hair in the middle/front, and pin it back...or in like a bun...with the front bits loose...not a tight bun though...hope I helped:P

I need a sexy but formal hairstyle!!!!!?

are you to young to know what a french twist is? its back in style and very simple but very elegant


so there is this huge formal coming up at my school and i have no idea what to do with my hair!!! i have a halter dress that comes down right at my knee, its white and pink. link to sites or any pics would be amazing. Thanksss!!!!


You can visit a saloon and they might recommend a nice style for you,


Well you put it in Greaser style but 1st straighten it!!!!


I think you should wear your hair like Bridget Marquardt, Tyra Banks, Sandra Bullock, Paris Hilton, or Nicole Richie. It depends on the length of your hair and the color. Check --You can find pictures there.

Hope I helped!



But your hair in ponytail and then swirl it and everything. Use of some nice accessories would be great.



If straight, just brush them 'till they are ABSOLUTELLY straight. Then brush them on sides like on picture below. If curly, do the same thing but leave the curls. On staright hair, you can add some accessory, like flower.



...take a shower...turn your head upside down and blowdry...this adds body!!! if your hair is long curl your fingers through it and put in a partial pony for a nice tamed look...or leave it down for a sexy look!!! if your hair is medium length after the blowdry part just straighten your hair and make it beautiful!!! You can pull any look off!!!! I hopethis works!!!! LOL!!!


It depends on the length of your hair, if your hair is long, pull it up, showing the neck is a sign that you are comfortable in your own skin. If your in for something more dramatic might i suggest you look at some pics of Victoria Beckhams new do, I just got the cut myself, and I have to say the boys really seem to like it! You want to view the pics labeled Victoria's new blond look! I hope this helps!

I need quick ideas for hairstyles. i have long wavy layered hair.?

and by the way i am wearing 1 in hoops silver. plus i have a roundish squarish ovalish face. i know i got problems. listen it's for a semi-formal family gathering. i'm a teen so careful with ur ideas. instructions are good and a pic if u can provide it. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need quick ideas for hairstyles. i have long wavy layered hair.?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- *Long Hairstyle tips-

High School formal dance dress?

Where is a good place to find a formal dress for our upcoming school dance for less than $200?

The dress needs to be floor long and the theme of the dance is Mardi gras (gold, purple, green), but my dress doesn't necessarily have to fit the theme.

Any pictures or names of stores for the dress would be great!

My hair is brown, and down to my bust line. Any ideas or pictures of hair styles for the dance would also help :]

High School formal dance dress?




High School formal dance dress?

online or dress hire

High School formal dance dress?

try looking online.. there is a lot more on the internet.. and maybe you can order somewhere if there is enough time for you .. but then make sure it is store that is in your area in case if it doesn't fit you can take it back.. always allow yourself time but then again driving to a store may be a little easier..can't think of any good places honestly though.. maybe even at a wedding store.. they always have nice looking dresses..go to your local mall to get ideas ..then go on the web and then maybe you can even put a few things together.. good luck..

High School formal dance dress? has really cute discount designer dresses that are like good prices

Winter formal????

We have a winter formal around the begining of Febuary. I know that it is a long way away but I need some help pn picking out a dress. I have a fair skin tone, medium length dark brown hair, green eyes, have a very curvy body, a little extra weight. Also I am about 5'8. So if you have any suggestions for me on color,style, or lenght of the dress it would be most appriciated. And if you want to add anything else it would be great!

Winter formal????

Green or red dress. You could even get away with brown or pink. Since your taller you should go with a medium/long dress. If you need more help try watching TLC's " What Not To Wear". Don't go with a baggy dress,try a dress that will fit closer to your body.

Winter formal????

Winter formal????

winter formals are the bomb!

Winter formal????

By your description your the same height as me, and I know how hard it can be to find dresses long enough and such. I have a winter formal around the same time and I already got my dress. I went for a black dress, comes down to about the knees, has a v-neck and then gold designs all over it. You can come up with a lot of images for that one, but it is very classy and gorgeous. Im also fair skinned, and I think the black looks great on me. Best of luck!

Winter formal????

oh ok

Winter formal????

Hi. I loved winter formal. I think what you should do is get a dress that is sinched at the waist. Like the material is pulling from left to right. That way if you don't feel so "YAY MY BODY IS AWESOME" that night you have no reason to worry. Get your dress above the knees your about my height so your pretty tall. It will show off your legs. The color is a hard one. I have brown hair too but blue eyes I wore a black dress to winter formal and a green sage color dress to homecoming. If you have a favorite color that looks great on you try to find a dress in that color. I hope this helps. Have fun!!

Winter formal????

u should wear a very nice red dress that sparkles

Looking for hairstyles for a black female with relaxed hair or weave/extensions?

also looking for formal styles

Looking for hairstyles for a black female with relaxed hair or weave/extensions?

Try here:

These women maybe able to help you out. I think all you have to do is click on the weaves/extensions and hair styles links.

Winter formal?! dress help!?

geeze winter formal is a week away and i don't even have a dress yet!

i need help kids.

can you help me find a dress!? pictures would be amazing!

i am 14.


114 pounds

longish brown hair with straight bangs

=] thanks in advance.

Winter formal?! dress help!?

here are some direct links where you can browse and find the perfect dress





Winter formal?! dress help!?

Ooh, you sound pretty! Um... just go to your local mall and look for stuff! Try department stores first (Macy's, Nordstrom, Dillards, stuff like that), but then go to stores like Forever 21 (they have a TON of really cute dresses right now- i was just there)

Pick a color that's wintery but still pretty... blue, silver, black, purple... anything kinda dark would be cool. Here's some links-

Try stuff on to make sure it looks good on you! Good luck and have fun! =]

Winter formal?! dress help!?

usually winter formal you wear something white or a light blue.

Winter formal?! dress help!?

Winter formal??

ok so all I know is that its formal. so what kind of dress and what color should it be? And how should I wear my hair(mines like down to my mid-back, and its thick but really easy to style). Also do people usually go w/dates to formal dances? So yeah, Im kinda freaking out about everything cause the dance is in 3 weeks, so does anybody have any advice??

Winter formal??

You should wear any type of dress, just make sure it's formal, but pretty.

Good colors to wear are dark green, black and white, dark blue, red, brown, and metalics.

Everyone wants to look and feel good for a formal, so you should dress up and try to look nice with make up.

With your hair, put it up in a bun, or curl your hair and let it loose. You can put cute pins in it. Make sure to lock your look with hairspray. I like hairspray from Herbal Esscences, Bed Head, and Sun Silk.

Some go with dates, others go as a group with their close friends. If a guy asks you out, just go with him! If a guy doesn't, go with your friends.

Make sure you accessorize with a necklace, earrings, bracelets, cute flats/heels, and sparkles!

Winter formal??

pretty, dark colors

Winter formal??

Dont freak out! the same heappened to me. i had an 8th grade formal and i was nervous. and noo, u dont need a date. i didnt go with one.. just friends. i think you should curl your hair half way and wear a blue/turquoise dress or a pink. But, afterwards, it will be amazing. i had a grrreat time. but u are going to be nervous, but o found out there was really nothing ot be nervous about. But just have fun and be yourself. i mean its a dance. theyre good luck!

Winter formal??

omg, my formal just past and I had a BLAST!

OK well you should probobly get a date ASAP! therefore no one can take him!

and okay I wore a short dress above my knees- black and white abstract and for my hair I had lots of curls - let down loose.. and I had super hot make up with super hot heals and every one was so formal when they went and when I went every GUY was staring at my and saying " HOTTIE! BABE! SEXY! and I made all the other girls jealous! ahahahaha! I'm not even kidding, it's true! so go as hot as you can and you'll have every guy on the dance floor dancing with you or staring at you ( cause your different from all the other girls + your a babe!

What are some good websites with pictures of formal up do's?

I need some ideas on how I want to get my hair done for the christmas formal dance at my school. Do you have any good websites where they have pictures of hairstyles? Thanks!

What are some good websites with pictures of formal up do's?

Start with Academy Awards photos from this year. Look them up on Google.

Honey, here's a word of advice. When you take your normal hair and squash it into a severe updo for a formal evening, you will HATE all the pictures of your dance for years to come. If you have longer hair, try a sweeping 1940's Hollywood Glam style that is a more natural formal look. Google search an image of Veronica Lake.

The hideous updo's that hairstylists and Mom's with NO TASTE talk girls into every freaking year look terrible, feel terrible (tons of hairspray!) and when they start to unravel after a few hours of dancing, you will start to look disturbingly like a beat up hooker. Not exactly a memory anyone wants.

Try something more natural that compliments your face shape and add a little sparkle with some crystal hairpins or even a gorgeous gardenia flower tucked into the back.

And Dear God, go easy on the makeup! Again, is it a dance or Clown College?

You will be much happier and your date will think you look like a million dollars of confident beauty instead of a kid with $30, a cousin with a hair dressers license and a dress from the mall.

What are some good websites with pictures of formal up do's? and have some beautiful updo's

What are some good websites with pictures of formal up do's?

This tells all about updos to!

What are some good websites with pictures of formal up do's?

i know it is wedding website but has some beautiful updos! Have a great time at the dance!
